Wednesday Witch offers a free, online lessons of Wicca. The author includes a handy virtual bookshelf, with lessons that are easy to read and basic for the beginner. This virtual library is quite extensive, including such topics as parenting, and art, to ‘books’ (pages) for teens, humor, and recipes. There’s more to browse through, including an online shop.

Some pages you’ll find there;

Free Lessons– Very nicely laid out in chapter format.

A Frequently Asked Question section (FAQ) that provides basics to questions one might ask a witch.

A recipe page– I’m intrigued with this one in particular to see if I can manage to cook without burning anything. I want to try the Moon Cakes.

Pagan living includes the Sabbats and links to crafting.

These are just a few pages I’ve explored a this site. Its well worth the visit.

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