Wednesday Witch: Bringing Up Salamanders


Bringing Up Salamanders is a delightful blog from a pagan parent’s point of view. The author, Nydia from Brazil,  shares her hopes and fears raising her son, using very honest language in her posts on pagan-related topics.

She writes topics from how she celebrates the holidays, to the more personal posts on her son. Those type of posts, I think, are the best. They offer wonderful insight in how we, as parents, care and nurture our children.

Some posts I enjoyed;

Ostara and a new phase– where she’s ‘busted’ by her son, being the one who puts out the eggs on his altar.

Belated Yule 2012 post- Lovely post sharing her Yule with her son.

Samhain on our corner- I think the posts where she shares how she celebrates, and adds the pictures of the altar, and her family, are my favorite posts.

There’s many posts up. She’s been writing for some time, and I hope she continues.


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