Karma- based on fear or love?


I think its important to understand the concept of Karma, without the Western Mind. I think too often people use Karma as a threat, to warn new pagans off of potentially bad choices for fear of bad things will happen to them.

Its possible that even making bad choices, and learning from those choices are part of your Karma. In other words- you sometimes MUST and SHOULD make bad choices to learn how to make better choices in the future. Or adopt the crazy idea that choices don’t even mean they are ‘bad’ or ‘good’, because sometimes what we perceive as a bad choice ends up leading to where we need to go.

What are your thoughts on the idea of Karma? Personally, I feel that its not the cut-and-dry teaching we so often hear that ‘you reap what you sow’ because I’ve seen plenty of good people have horrible things happen, while people who are mean and evil, get away with it.

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3 responses to “Karma- based on fear or love?

  1. Nobody gets away with anything imo. Maybe it appears they do if you are looking at punishment or fear based karma. In the long run or bigger scope it all plays out, perhaps in another lifetime. It’s all about lessons and growth. We are ALL only hurting ourselves when we do unhealthy or bad things. Be blessed💮🌖⭐

    • You make a good point, rising the idea of fear based punishment. I think some want people who do bad things to get punished but even if that were true, would they learn anything from it? I doubt it.

  2. My main hang up on the concept of Karma is that it appears, from my perspective, hypocritical. Take that gold rule from so many faiths, “be it harm none”, but according to many this is exactly what Karma does. Hurt others and you will be hurt. Is that not simply paying evil unto evil?
    A perfect system, as Karma is supposed to be, would not do that. Because that would be a contradiction, and perfection would not be contradictory. It would not subject individuals to actions or circumstances it supposedly stands against. You can’t brutalise someone and expect to get anything but a brute back. This doesn’t teach them anything.
    This idea of Karma seems like it’s based in people’s personal feelings more than in any kind of objective cause and effect system designed to promote change and development.
    I think the concept is much more nuanced than most people know, because the way they see it is so simplistic it’s almost silly. Life is incredibly complex, there’s no reason the laws governing it wouldn’t be either. I think the truth is we simply can’t say how it works fully, because so few individuals who have the ability to commune with whatever higher force they may rarely ever step outside the realms of established tradition. They just accept these things as they are presented, regardless of how illogical they are, or the unpleasant implications they hold. Honestly it seems like someone took the phrase “you did this to yourself” a bit too metaphorically.

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