Favorite Pagan YouTubers for April

I follow a number of pagan, witches, and occultists on YouTube and here are some videos for the spring season I thought my readers might enjoy:

Ginny Metheral

The witches’ cookery

Naturally Modern Witch

Oastara, Spring Equinox 2024

Here in Maryland, we’ve been having some freaky weather. It’s generally chilly in this month but we’ve also had some snowfall (though nothing sticks to the ground). Flowers, however, are blooming. We have Daffodils and Crocus blooming and the grass is green. Buds are on the trees.

For me, Ostara is about celebrating these signs of spring. I don’t garden so there’s no toiling or planting for me, but I do cultivate the idea of symbollic planting of goals. To achieve these goals, you need to weed and cultivate, assessing your steps and adjust accordingly.

Past equinoxes, I would start spring cleaning. take walks along the river, leave offerings of seeds, fruit, etc in the woods, or make crafts like ribbon crafts (like ribbon chandalier), candle shaped like eggs, making cookies, ro decorating eggs (and eating them later).

Some recipes:

Egg salad in crescent ‘carrots’

Lemon Mini Tartlets

The Origins of Yule

The history of Yule. This video includes many elements of the holiday season with pagan origins: