Full Moon, Strawberry Moon

 Today is the June Full Moon, known as Strawberry or Mead Moon. This is the month to harvest strawberries but also the month traditionally people get married, to celebrate with the drinking of mead. We’ll see the Summer Solstice on the 21st, on Father’s Day, this year, and the season changes into the hot days of summer.

I love strawberries. I often slice up strawberries, freeze them, then add to smoothies for a cool, refreshing drink. Once I didn’t add enough Almond milk (you can add milk or juice), and I found the result was something similar to soft ice cream. Even better. I found a similar recipe that includes bananas, but remember to SLICE the fruit and freeze first. Trying to blend a whole banana or even whole strawberries offers some scary noise from the food processor. Strawberry/banana ice cream.

Strawberry Mead Recipe (1 gallon) – Mead is a very light alcoholic drink, like wine in a way. You can mix all types of flavor with it, so its versatile as well. I tried once a mead with orange blossom and roses. Odd taste but also very good.

Strawberry Syrup– homemade strawberry syrup is good for many things such as pancakes/crepes, but also scones, and the next recipe- soda.

Homemade Strawberry Soda (healthier than regular soda)

Some fun summer crafts:

Make your own bubble wands- This is a fun tip to work with kids, or for playful magick. Once created, use to make bubble, while blowing,  visualize your ‘wish’ when you blow, and send out into the world.

Create Ribbon Spells- easy to do by writing down your wish and tying to a tree or bush so the wind can blow on it. This makes for a festive look as well.

With Summer and the hot weather soon approaching, consider a Henna tattoo. I’ve tried henna tattoos a few times. The Henna smells wonderful, and although the paste itself goes on black, and it takes time to dye the skin, the result looks so pretty. You could design symbols and use as a spell. Wear until worn off, and enjoy the loveliness of the design as well.

Want to share your own ideas for summer? Post in comments.

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